Yoke Lore finished up one of the last dates of his solo tour at Cat's Cradle in Carrboro NC on Saturday night.

Opening act Wildermiss kicked off the night with a fantastic high-energy set that had the audience hooked from the first note. As performers beginning to express their dominance in a live setting, Wildermiss left everyone in the venue wanting more.
The group will embark on a 2022 summer tour that includes a stop in Charlotte NC.
Adrian Galvin, the man behind the moniker, took the stage to a roar of applause. His setlist had a healthy variety of feel-good bops and subtler beauties that charmed the crowd throughout the night.

Throughout the set he hopped around with whatever instrument he happened to be playing at the moment, maximizing his space on stage at the intimate venue. Drummer Garren Orr was the perfect stage companion, his energy matching Galvin's liveliness throughout the night. Galvin's infectious vibrancy made it's way to every inch of Cat's Cradle as his fans danced and sang along. He never let go of a chance to interact with the crowd, and the audience appreciated as it lent a certain feeling of whimsical friendliness to the packed setting.
Yoke Lore's live performance had an air of gentleness, but also of incredibly vitality, leaving his North Carolina fans excited for whatever he has planned next.
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Photos by Keira Lindgren